My Military Experiences I served in the military (WACS) 1951-1954 and am glad I did for it was a great learning experience,
in many ways. Yes I am proud to have served. Basic Training was done at Fort Lee, Virginia Also did a tour of
duty in Heidleburg, Germany at Patton Barracks. A tour of duty on Okinawa.
My experiences in the Military were truly fantastic and I must say I did learn a lot, good, bad and indifferent.
The good I learned was that I was an okay person and that any job I was given, could do it too perfection, yes a good worker.
At the time didn't truly know what I wanted to do, so the learning experience paid off. I am grateful I was able
to travel to Europe and Japan and get to know a little about the people and the environment, a lot to see and a lot to take
in, I tried to do it all then. Made friends easily then where ever I went, not lasting though and today I understand
why - what a learning experience. Life is truly the same where ever one goes, different people, different things and
places to see, but basically we all of planet earth have the same goals and dreams, we are one people through out the earth.
My jobs with the State, that truly showed me who, what and where I was, gave me the lift up I needed most at the time.
To be able to retire, wow, and to know I always did my very best where ever I was, life is indeed a neat learning experience
for all.
Retirement is not all it was cracked up to be, maybe for some I can only speak for myself - For one thing certain it
is definitely more of learning, which is fine with me - don't believe anybody can get enough knowledge. The knowledge
I have acquired since my working days have really allowed me to truly become centered and to finally get in touch with all
my feelings and attitudes, my shortcomings and why I did what I did in my early years. Basically it was because I got
caught up in the frenzy of daily life, little did I know it was a catch 22 and with my ideals such as they were, couldn't
get enough - so just got caught up in the daily rush to (something), totally grateful my life was my life and I was finally
able to get in touch with it and not be subservient to others, wow - a learning process in progress that keeps on going, going,
going always, I thank God for this for it has given me strength, peace, love and a happiness within that far surpasses any
other attribute I could have thought of - so with this I always say daily - Thankyou God.
Once again I find myself the most grateful individual on earth, was given an opportunity and took it and now some 30
years into the future am still kicking around and enjoying my sobriety, really is a wonderful life. Too look back and
have moved thru all the trials and dilemmas of life - remembering what it really was like, all the historical facts of what
happened and wonder how we really ended up in the dilemma of 2010. Thru faith and love I have a wonderful feeling that
it will turn out to be just great, if we the people just keep a positive attitudes with a smile to go with it for all
we meet. Remembering all our lessons of learning.
Several years have passed, it is now 2013 can't blieve it but tis true. Still alive and kicking and looking forward
to the wonderful changes happening on planet earth. These past 80 years of working, raising a family, and truly enjoying
life up to a point, grateful that my big change came in the seventies, my spiritual awakening for sure with many many new
awarenessess to greet me as I step forth. Life has been good to me and taught me rightly as well, for that I am one
very grateful human and hope I can leave a little of my legacy behind for all to ponder, thanks a lot. September
28, 2013.