Growing Up Taking baby steps, working a program in my life,no matter how tough it seemed in the beginning for the
payoff will be a better me, a more understanding person who really does care about others. To be sure it is a daily program,
the must is that if one wants to grow up and be the person they dreamed about in their fantasies, it is worth it. We were
never promised anything when we were born, it truly is up to each and everyone of us to be the best we can be.
Recovery From a life of total denial. Willing to look at my need to control everything that moved,as well as my
overwelming desire to please anybody, why? My insane jealousy, enviousness, and why did I think I needed to do all these
insane acts, well for one reason and that is usually a low self esteem, how in the world can anybody expect to accomplish
anything when they are deep into hate, especially self. Trusting God, trusting self and trusting others in that
order, this was told too me by a good friend and it does work.
Finding Self Today I have truly come face to face with the real self that I am, and I am so grateful to my Higher
Power for guiding me along the way. It has been a fantastic journey and a lot of fun, enjoyed letting go of all the old ideas
that never worked anyway, continuing on my spiritual path to freedom, and it definitely is freedom - to know that I am a wonderful
person today who loves life and is interested in many things, willing to try anything new once and if it doesn't work, fine
we shall continue on down the road to happy destiny.