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Picture Album Page

Pictures, essays, comments I find that hopefully will peek the interests of you out there, something that will want you to seek the truth for yourselves, not depending on false media coverage that seems to be the sign of the times. Come on folks wake up.

Gondolas in Venice; Actual size=240 pixels wide

Uncle Sam is the greatest. Yes, and I am proud to be an American, remember in school when we saluted the flag and repeated the pledge of allegience every morning before school began. When prayer was a right for all. When little children could walk and play whereever they wanted with no fear of lurking strangers, we all were great friends, and a stranger was probably somebody who helped a child. When I was a child there were no strangers, they were all great friends to talk to, and many of the great wisdoms I learned were from some of those great people in my life, not strangers, no such thing. Change of attitudes does a lot folks.

Gondolas in Venice; Actual size=240 pixels wide

Sometimes our friends stab us in the back. When this happens do we just lie there and take it, absolutely not, we do something about it and folks revenge is not it, that is for cowards. We are willing to change something, and believe me there is nothing is this world than can't be changed for the better, it takes understanding and awareness as to what we truly want, loving each other for who they are, just another human being like us, we truly are all alike, it is just that sometimes some of us get side tracked into hateful ways, and greed doesnn't pay off for very long, eventually there is a hole in our greedy ways that we can do nothing about, we cry, we moan, we rant and rave finally we come to our senses, our true selves, the loving self who only wants peace for all.

A sunset; Actual size=240 pixels wide

We do help our people. From where I came from and from what I learned, yes, we do not judge or condemn, oh some do but we learn to let them go, we share one with another with no expectations, knowing that each one of us has something to say that is good. We learn to trust God, we learn to trust our selves, and most generally we do learn to trust everybody else - trust is earned.

A sunset; Actual size=240 pixels wide

We are a very infamous country. Eventually we get the picture. It does take time, though. It is up too everybody out there, the seekers of truth, who really and truly believe in justice for all, who would love to live life peacefully without all this dogma about terrorists invading your country. Listening to the media with no research on your own will land you right where Big Brother wants you to be. Stand up for your rights, folks.
Almost a year has passed since he downing of  the twin towers, not too mention the horrible loss of life, have we learned anything?  I wonder, or are we still so gullible as to believe those that claim to be leaders of this great country, hopefully not - hopefully we are learning our lessons in TRUTH and POSITIVE ideals not what we seem to be getting from the media which is only sound bites with very little truth, WAKE UP FOLKS this still our country and it is time to take it back.  TRUTH, HONESTY, LOVE and a desire to HELP our fellow AMERICANS, letting the GREEDY STUPID ELITE go their way and we know where that is, thankyou.